Such a happy babe |
At 5 weeks, B weighed in at roughly 13lbs (Chubba Bay-Bay is right). According to the 'experts', that's quite the weight gain from birth for a breastfed babe (7lbs/13oz). I use the term 'experts' loosely - what do they really know besides the textbook stuff? All babies are different and everyone has their own advice, techniques, and reports of what your baby should be doing at certain stages. I did, however, look it up just because I was curious after some comments from people telling me 'how big he is' or hearing that looks to be weeks (and sometimes months) ahead of his size. He's just a happy, healthy, growing boy!
We're happy to report that he is wearing through his clothes - and fast! He's just about grown out of his 3-6mos sized clothes and working up to the 6mos. We love getting to know him more and more each day. We joke and say he's tripled in size in a matter of hours. B loves the outdoors. He enjoys long walks in the Bjorn with us (the weather has been nice and we have been able to get him out everyday). He loves the big trees and stares at them with such intensity perhaps envisioning himself climbing its branches. The big trees boasting the streets throughout midtown is one of the many reasons I love where we live (and the fact that we can leap off our doorstep and walk to any restaurant, shop, coffee house, etc). He's usually awake for 15-20min at the beginning of our walks and then tuckers out for the remainder or until we stop. We go to the park, the pool, the farmer's market, coffee shops, etc. Some days, he gets bored being at home so we try to get him out as much as possible. Being outside is an immediate fix at times when he's a little grumpy which is fine by me! This week, B has discovered the sound of his voice. Making 'ooohhhs' and 'ahhhs', mixing those with gurgles, grunts, and lots of smiles. We've been talking along with him imitating each other by sounding off the 'ooohhhs' and 'ahhs' - it's so exciting when he mimics us too! We clap and sing 'hooray' or 'yay' - he'll smile and on occasion look at us like we're crazy. We love it! We also have started baby signing for 'hungry' and 'all done'. We hope to stick with it and be able to communicate in the months to come. He has discovered the use of his fingers. He enjoys shoving them in his mouth, drooling all over them, and if not fingers, mom's shoulder tastes pretty good too. He loves watching his Artsee Smartsee dvd that Jenna, Micah, and Jax got for him. It plays classical music while flashing shapes and colors on the screen as well as a vocabulary section. He just stares and stares at it. All in all, those are his latest updates. He's such a good baby (I know all mothers say that but really HE IS). Life with him is amazing. Watching him see the world for the first time and has given me a chance to see the world in a second light. Really slowing down, taking time to appreciate the trees, the flowers, walking, playing in the water, sitting in a park, watching the world go by and be grateful for this very moment we're in. There's so much I want to show him and for now, I enjoy this moment as he is asleep in my lap after feeding as I type, pause, stare at his peacefulness, type, pause, and kiss his sweet face. I love you little man.
One of my favorite Jack Johnson lyrics form the song Inaudible Melodies:
slow down everyone
you're moving too fast
frames can't catch you when
you're moving like that
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Pool time |
First mini train ride with Uncle Rob |
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Strolling midtown |
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Farmer's Market at Cesar Chavez with my girls |
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6 weeks today |
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