Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Month of January - be gone! Turning negatives into positives...

Since I my last post earlier this month, January 5th, we have faced one of the most difficult months. Perhaps a series of bad luck? Misfortune, you say? Did I open an umbrella indoors or break a mirror by accident? Whatever the case, it was a dark month for us. On the 5th of January, our studio space for Reclamation Art + Furniture was broken into. Not just any break in, the thieves actually cut a hole in our building! Yes, a hole! I’ll provide a picture below. Not only did these guys cut a hole, they stole about $6k (we’re thinking it’s closer to $7k now) worth of Steve’s tools for our business. Basically, our livelihood was taken. We filed police reports and did all the appropriate things one would do in this situation even posting a little rant on Facebook. Well, with that Facebook rant something wonderful and positive happened. People took notice and wanted to help. A local writer for Sacramento news shared our story of the robbery which in turn lit a fire under us to complete our Kickstarter Project for The Bike Valet . After launching our Kickstarter Project, we had some very kind and gracious friends come together and offer to help us get on our feet with hosting a Fundraiser last Monday evening. Roughly 60 people showed up to support our project by showing up, purchasing raffle tickets, bidding on silent auction items and sharing their compassionate hearts with us. The majority of the people in attendance we had never met and seeing so many people wanting to help us, whom they had never met, filled my heart. It was incredibly humbling and helped put my faith back into people in such an awful situation. We are so grateful to our good friends, Armando and Thomas, for coming together to put on the event for us at Mayahuel Restaurant in Downtown Sacramento. Mayahuel was kind enough to us to host the event in such short notice while offering wonderful service and donations. So now, I sit here able to type without tears, feeling the love! We look forward to the day where we can be the ones helping another family out in a time of need.

As we approach the final 8 days for funding, we would be so grateful if you could check out our story about our Kickstarter Project (<--that’s a live/safe link that will take you right to it). Please do share the link on any social media platform you may use. We are 74% funded on an amazing product and need your help to spread the word!

Thank you to ALL that have been there every step of the way with support, sharing, pledging, and getting us closer to our goal! Check out the updates and the WORLDWIDE press The Bike Valet has received! It’s incredibly humbly as much as it is an honor!
Armando (left), us and Thomas (right)
We could not thank them enough for putting on this event for us

Jenn & Gin

Anna, Clemon (live music) and Julia

Artwork for the silent auction

Playing the Kickstarter Project Video

Lovely Susan. She won 3 times! Winning tickets!

Some artwork for silent auction

Salon 701 donated parting bags and so much more!

RecArt stools were auctioned off
Proud new owners: Erik & Armando

Girl with a Pearl by Kimberly donated all the money made from the event.  She’s amazing!

Donated by Erin

Steve, Lucas, Thomas & Morgan

Happy Newly-Weds

Winner of The Bike Valet & $100 to Neiman Marcus

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Making a mess is a part of the fun

Since the day we started feeding B solids at 4.5 months he has continued to try and grab the utensil while spooning it into his mouth. Always the ‘helpful’ eater so today I decided to pile up his highchair tray with a couple spoonfuls and see what he’d do. Sure enough, he was picking up the blob of a carrot/rice cereal mixture and feeding himself. While he did a great job to start, we mostly ended making a fun mess resulting in a mid-afternoon bath. *Pics to follow - apologies for the poor quality they were taken from my phone.*


I made it! 6mos

So proud mama! Fyi mamas: Carrots stain easily :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ringing in the new year!

 A day in the park to an evening with friends

Music lessons

Big sis time

6mos old

Handsome like dad

New year - New hair

New towel - thanks Jenna & Jax!

Holidays - the speedy version

The month of December seem to fly right by us. We enjoyed a lot of family time, food intake, play time and some mild lounging. We had a lovely first Christmas with the little man that kicked off on the eve in the bay area to hang with Jax, Jenna, and fam. We hadn’t seen them (in person) since the houseboat trip in July. Jax is a walking, talking, playing machine now! It will be fun when B catches up to that age so he can run around and play with Jax. On Christmas day we opened some presents at home. Steve made B (and Jax) a set of his very own wooden blocks. We headed over to my family’s house to ravage through more presents, food-coma, and Wii action. All in all, it was a really great weekend that eased us into the following weekend with a relaxing New Years eve with friends.

Practice (he actually goes in the toilet too) - 5mos

Loves bath time - 5.5mos

Sitting ninja skills - 5.5mos

Decorating the tree - 5.5mos

Showing B how its done

“like this!"

Aunt Kay

Walking with dad