Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update: Today the little man is 4 months old

Thought I’d write an update since it’s been three weeks and the last time I checked in was to chat about B’s first shoot. Well, we finally got the pictures back and they look great! He was just 3 months old when we shot and he already looks so much bigger now than the photos. He changes everyday and does something new every week. The time is going by so fast. We have an official rollover from back to belly and he rolls over with ease form belly to back, thanks to that heavy noggin of his. He can also sit up with his hands bracing the front of him. I have been speaking German to him, what little I can remember and its so much easier to do with him since he doesn’t mind my awful accent. We have been blessed with continued summer weather here in Sac which has allowed us to be outside and enjoy the fall. Hung out at a couple of art and music festivals this month. We toured the inside of the CA State Capitol this and B may have been one of the smallest ‘tourists’ they’ve had - the Capitol is 6 blocks from our house so we like to walk around there to check out rallies and people watch. B had his first day at the river last week and then we went to a dear friend’s Garden Party - Indian Summer Soiree last Tuesday, it was a beautiful evening under twinkling lights with friends and live music. Yesterday, we went for a four hour walk in midtown - everyone was out in the sunshine. Weaved in and out of the kiddos trick-or-treating at all the local shops, checked out a pooch costume contest, ran into many friendly faces (that’s the amazing thing about midtown, you always run into friendly faces), toured newly opened shops/galleries/event spaces, watched the celebration dance ceremony at the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), lots of local chatter and people watching.
First Commercial Shoot (Age: 3mos)

Commercial Shoot (Age: 3mos)

Touring the Capitol

Garden Party - Indian Summer Soiree
1st day at the river - Oct 20, 2011


Friday, October 7, 2011

Photo Bomb time!

It’s been a minute since I updated some photos of the little man so I thought I’d toss a few up. B is officially three months old (on Sept 30th) and doing wonderfully. He continues to excel in all things a babies do. He’s packing on the pounds, measuring taller, eating a ton, playing, exploring, semi-rolling over (one official roll-over from back to front which I missed but dad was right there cheering him on), lots of drooling, giggling, and he pretty much oozes cuteness. He’s still sleeping through the night between 8-10 hours straight (we’re so lucky and grateful for this). The other day, a stranger on the street mentioned to me that I ‘looked too well-rested to be a new mom’ and I think that is one of the best compliments a mama can receive. Yesterday, B had his very first commercial paid shoot to continue a series I was doing for pregnancy. He did amazing and the photographer was very pleased. We can’t wait to get the photos back! Until then, here are some of his latest shots from this month:
My little man - 3mos

Intensity at its finest 13 weeks


Baby Feet

We must be sneaky to catch a smile on camera
For a good laugh - caught this photo by mistake but its a keeper
He loves being outside with the trees
Guten Morgen! 3mos

Sleeping at the Sammies event with dad - 3mos