Monday, September 26, 2011

I can still be me…and a mom

This past weekend I was invited to do a fashion show for a designer. I was hesitant to do the show since giving birth. Nerves overtook my emotion for two weeks leading up to the show. I worked out, practiced wearing heels (which is a workout in itself), and tried my best to get my mind in ‘model-mode’ versus ‘mommy-mode’. It was challenging to get my brain back into model-mode and I had never experienced more nervousness before a show. Loved ones said 'not to worry' that it 'will all come back to me' and I’d do great. I half believed them, crossing my fingers, and hoped that I wouldn’t become fashion roadkill. My stomach was knotted and my throat carried a lump the entire car ride. Thankfully, my friend was doing the show with me. She was in the same boat as I with mixed emotions since she also had her son in July. So here we were two mamas stepping out onto the runway for the first time in a year, post baby.
The jitters slowly seemed to fade with every brush of makeup and every curl of hair. We checked out the stage, listened to music, chatted with staff, and soon enough those nerves turned to full-on excitement! We couldn’t wait to dress and we carefully planned a time for me to pump right before hitting the runway. Finally, it was call time. We lined up, waited for the music, and stomped on stage as if we hadn’t missed a beat. After the show, we squealed and high-fived each other like we won a game. For us, it did feel like we won. We overcame our fear and nailed it!

And just like that, two mamas were back doing what they love!

Driving home I thought to myself, I can still be me and a mom! It feels great to be able to continue doing what I love and coming home to my family. The best part of my day/night was walking in on Steve and Bennett all snuggled up sleeping in our bed. This is the life.

Backstage with FrockLA

Two mamas - she is so lovely!

With the designer for FrockLA & Miss Ilona

Reversible dress. So sexy, soft, and comfortable

With the FrockLA team

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sleeping through the night…now what?

B has been sleeping through the night for the past three weeks perfectly (Happy 11 weeks today bub!). He typically wakes up at about 5am for his first feeding of the day. We are very grateful for these good sleeping habits and enjoy our couple time as soon as he dozes off for the night. We cook dinner, hang out, talk about our day, watch a movie, play a game, etc.
So what’s my problem? My problem is that I have been consistently waking up at about 2am every single morning - like clockwork. I am restless and wide awake as if I could get up and start my day. During this time I try really hard to fall back asleep by tossing and turning. Occasionally, I’ll get on the computer but that only stimulates my brain and wakes me up even more! I like to peek in on B and watch him sleep; both he and Steve are so peaceful at these hours. The house is quiet, the streets are empty, and there’s nothing left for this mama to do. No baby to feed, no diapers to change, no soothing to do...just little ‘ol me awake in my thoughts.

Hope tonight is a different story (one of which includes a full night’s rest).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Discovering his fingers - 6 weeks old

Excited to watch Artsee Smartsee - 8 weeks old

10 weeks old - Sept 8, 2011

Excuse the poor quality. Videos taken from my phone.

2 Month Check-up

2mos check-up appointment 8/31/11

Yesterday was B’s two month check up. He weighed in at 15lbs and measures 25 inches (he’s officially in size 3 diapers and 6-9mos clothes). Growing like a little weed! The doctor says we’re doing a fantastic job! He also received his first set of shots. He was so good and let out one little “wah”. He looked up at me as I kissed his forehead and was fine. No tears from either of us.
After the doctor’s we had coffee with our friend Ilona and Max (Bennett was passed out the entire time otherwise I would have loved to get a picture of the two of them together - next time). I met Ilona back in Oct of last year. We shot a magazine spread together and became friends on Facebook. Neither one of knew at the time of the photo shoot that we were both pregnant. She had Max three days after Bennett was born. It was nice having a preggo buddy and now a first time mom with a son so close in age to B.
We have kept to the same activities for the remainder of the summer: walking around midtown, pool time, going to the park, bbqs, etc. B has continued talking and smiles all the time. He bats at objects and follows your voice, objects, or sounds from across the room. Today he laughed for the first time! His little voice is the sweetest thing. He loves bath time and on occasion we use it to help soothe him if he’s having some tummy troubles. As of three days ago, we re-introduced his swing and he has enjoyed it since - hooray! Bed time is a little iffy starting last week. He now fights going to sleep and tries his best to stay awake which requires one of us to rock/swing/bounce him while the other cooks dinner. He just doesn’t want to miss out on what is going on! He’s in bed asleep between 7pm and 9pm and sleeps for 8-9 hours. I’m very grateful for the long hours of sleep.
Looking forward to fall. This summer has been great and I cannot wait to share the fall adventures. Dressing up for Halloween, pumpkins, Apple Hill, the holiday coffee drinks at Starbucks (oh wait, that’s more for me than Bennett), Thanksgiving, family time, and of course the beautiful fall weather and trees.
Everyday after a walk in the Bjorn

Love that face

Entertaining ourselves with Photo Booth on the Mac

Shark Day at the Capitol 8/15/11

Stumbled upon a breastfeeding rally at the Capitol 8/4/11

Bath time

Ilona and I for M Magazine - both pregnant (Nov 2010)